Teeth Whitening Woes: 3 Reasons to See Your Dentist First

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — myrhdentist @ 6:55 pm
Man with dark hair having in-office teeth whitening procedure

Many people with darkened teeth feel so self-conscious about the state of their smile that it impacts their daily lives. No one wants to feel unworthy or anxious about how others perceive them every time they open their mouths, after all. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can help! Teeth whitening is a simple and effective way to enhance your grin after years’ worth of consuming foods and beverages that have left them looking discolored. It’s easy to find commercially available products that claim to lighten your pearly whites but using them can sometimes be risky to your oral health. Keep reading to learn 3 reasons why!

Reason #1: Tooth Sensitivity

While you may be tempted to skip a visit to the dentist to purchase whitening products at your local store, you might quickly regret your decision. Teeth whitening products contain abrasive bleaching agents, like hydrogen peroxide, to remove stains that have built up over time. Unfortunately, it can wear down your protective enamel and irritate even the healthiest teeth. Not only that, but it can leave your gums stinging and sore, too.

If you go to your dentist to have your teeth brightened instead, they’ll be able to lighten them several shades in a single in-office visit. They have access to professional-grade solutions that give you effective results without causing tooth sensitivity. If you have a busy schedule and can’t make it in, your dentist can provide a take-home kit using the same high-quality products but with trays that are custom-fitted to protect your mouth from the chemicals.

Reason #2: Hidden Cavities

If putting bleaching agents on healthy teeth can cause issues, just imagine what it would be like if you used it on ones with tooth decay. Many patients have ended up in their dentist’s chair after doing this very thing because of the pain it causes. It would be easy to assume that you don’t have to worry about this if you don’t see any concerning areas in your mouth. Unfortunately, they can develop in places like in your molars or between teeth which makes them hard to spot. That means you could have cavities and not even be aware of it, though they’d quickly make themselves known if harsh chemicals are applied.

Reason #3: Dental Exams

If you know you want to make changes to your grin, you should start with your dentist rather than the corner store. They’ll examine your oral health to ensure there are no problems from the get-go so you don’t end up with an emergency. They can do a physical examination of your gums and pearly whites to catch and mend any issues that have the potential to progress into real problems. For example, if you do have tooth decay, they’ll clean and fill it, first. Then you can safely resume whitening either with them or from the convenience of your own home.

In short, only your dentist has access to the highest-grade materials that can give you the sparkling smile you deserve!

About the Author

Dr. Julia Karpman takes pride in providing patients with healthy smiles that look and feel as great in several years as they do right after treatment. She graduated from the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine, followed by a one-year residency at Danbury Hospital. She’s experienced in a wide variety of dental disciplines, including cosmetic dentistry, among many others. She provides both on-site whitening services as well as customized take-home kits. You’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (860) 563-3766.

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